Incest Survivors Speakers’ Bureau of CA, and CA Protective Parents Association
Present the 16th Annual Northern California Child Sexual Abuse conference:
Saturday, April 10, 2010
9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Davis Senior Center*
No fee, no registration, no CEU's this year.
*NOTE: Change of location from previous conferences.
What happens when children report sex abuse? Whistleblowers frequently face reprisal - sometimes at the hands (those) accused, sometimes from related organizations, and sometimes under law…. It is probable that many people do not even consider blowing the whistle, not only because of fear of retaliation, but also because of fear of losing their relationships…
1. Keynote Speaker: Robin Sax
Robin Sax is a former LA prosecutor who specialized in prosecuting child sex abuse cases. She is the author of six books, and is a commentator for national television and the Justice Interrupted radio show.
2. Yolo County District Attorney's Office panel
How child sex abuse cases should be handled. The Yolo County District Attorney's Office panel will present information on their excellent procedure for interviewing children who report sex abuse, and their successful process for prosecuting these crimes.
3. California town Hall Meeting
How child sex abuse cases are handled in California family courts. Non-abusive parents will describe civil and human rights violations that happened to them, and panelists will offer suggestions for remedies. The family courts and criminal courts receive identical reports or child sexual abuse, but the family court handles them much differently. Testimony from parentys who attmpted to protect their children who reported incest will be heard by a panel of experts, including Jean Jorden from the CA District Attorneys Association, Nina Salarno from Crime Victims United, Robin Sax, and Kathleen Russel from the Center for Judicial Excellence.
Enjoy lunch onsite ($10 suggested donation to CPPA covers cost) Network with others. Create a quilt square. The Survivor Quilts were displayed at the United Nations in March 2008 and at the CA State Capitol in 2006.
Some unsettling statistics from
-- 40% of children are affected by divorce, -- Documented evidence of domestic violence is found in about 25-50% of custody court records, -- Approximately 50-75% of investigated child abuse cases are found to be valid, -- In at least 75% of custody cases with abuse allegations, the child is ordered into unsupervised contact with the alleged abuser. -- Every year, an estimated 58,000 children in the U.S. are left in the unprotected care of an abuser after their parents' divorce.