The 21st Annual Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Conference
Sunday April 12, 2015, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Veterans Memorial Center, 203 E 14th Street, Davis CA 95616
This event was FREE but we did charge for Continuing Education Units (CEU) & lunch.
Best Practices that Dramatically Reduce
Domestic Violence Crime & Child Abuse
Keynote: BARRY GOLDSTEIN* Author
Opening: Jean Jordan, Former DA
Special Guest Invitees:
California Senator Ricardo Lara
California Senator Lois Wolk
Yolo County Supervisor Jim Provenza
District Attorney Jeff Reisig
Assistant District Attorney Jonathan Raven
Building Resilience in Yolo County - Jane Stevens & Tracy Fauver
Moving Forward:
Family Justice Centers in Yolo and Solano Counties
Barry Goldstein is a nationally recognized domestic violence author, speaker and expert. Barry is the co-editor with Dr. Mo Therese Hannah of Domestic Violence, Abuse and Child Custody and co-author with Elizabeth Liu of Representing The Domestic Violence Survivor. He is currently working on a book for the general public that will change how society responds to domestic violence. Not A Private Matter: Ending the $500 Billion Abuser Subsidy provides a realistic plan to drastically reduce domestic violence crimes and 500 billion reasons to do so.
Program Schedule:
9:30 ~ Opening by Moderator, Laurie Jones, JD
10:00 ~ Special Guest, Jean Jordan, former DA
10:30 ~ Keynote Speaker, author Barry Goldstein
12:00 ~ Lunch, Networking, Exhibits
12:45 ~ Jane Stevens, ACE, Tracy Fauver, CASA
1:45p ~ Inter-agency Coordination Panels
3:00p ~ Sen. Ricardo Lara, CA legislation
3:30p ~ 15 min break
3:45p ~ Inter-agency Coordination Panels, Q&A
4:45p ~ Closing song “Soul Ties”, James & Matthieu Jean-Pierre

Click here to see their video
More information about the performers
This workshop was appropriate for therapists, survivors, counselors, teachers, school administrators, criminal justice, social services workers, clergy, business owners, & anyone interested in learning more about trauma-informed/resilience-building practices. Psychologists, MFTs, social workers, attorneys & counselors earned up to 6.5 CEUs. Nurses earned up to 2.75 CEUs.
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify two new & effective D.V. prevention practices from “The Quincy Solution” developed in Quincy, MA.
2. Explain two D.V. impacts & costs in their communities.
3. Explain how to incorporate two "best practices" into their current D.V. prevention practices.
4. Explain the economical advantages of two best practices.
5. Identify two ACEs & their short & long-term consequences on physical, mental, & social health, & how they can be passed down through generations.
6. Explain how the brain & body are „plastic‟ & how re-search is providing pathways to prevent & reduce the effects of ACEs.
7. Explain how pediatricians, public health depts, home-less shelters, courts, prisons, hospitals, clinics, faith-based communities, cities & towns are implementing trauma informed practices to prevent ACEs & stop traumatizing already traumatized people.
8. Explain how Yolo Co. CASA is incorporating ACE‟s findings into their practices.
9. List two different responsibilities & requirements placed on local government agencies investigating D.V. allegations.
10. Identify & explain benefits of two current efforts being made to coordinate these public agencies‟ responsibilities.
11. Explain two functions of interagency coordination & multi- disciplinary panels.
12. Explain the legislative process & how to support pro-posed legislation.
13. Identify how to initiate new legislative proposals.